Tinker Tailor Lover Control

If you look at my work, you will see I tend to draw old school interiors and bygone era artifacts, like dial phones and typewriters. I unconsciously obfuscate the era where the scene takes place in. I do not know why I do this. Maybe because I think things used to look better?

Tinker Tailor Lover Control
George Smiley (masterfully played by Alec Guinness) in the 1979 TV series of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

When things were… better?

Last week I was revisiting the 1970s BBC series adaptation of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, the famous John Le Carré’s novel. I am reading the book too for the first time so it made sense. I was very surprised to see at the beginning of each episode, they do a very short recap of the former installment. But those recaps are just the very end tail, last 30 seconds of the last episode which is usually a cliffhanger, but doesn't explain a hell of a lot. I interpret this as a deference to the intelligence of the viewer as in «we know you are clever enough to figure out what happened this far in the story, we don't need to explain everything". You guessed it, I love this.

If you haven't seen Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy in its 2011 movie adaptation, do yourself a favor and try to find this work of art. Great cast (Gary Oldman, Benedict Cumberbatch…) in a fantastically built story with cinematography by Hoyte van Hoytema.

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