Lauren Tamaki

I have admired Lauren for the first day I saw her work. Her lines and compositions are utter magic. It made me happy to learn she had a past in the design world too. We met once in NYC but that was a too long time ago, I am still waiting for her to visit Tokyo one day.

Lauren Tamaki
Lauren Tamaki — Her work is as cheerful, passionate and full of life as it is her smile. Photo by Ana Pérez

Meeting Lauren Tamaki (1983 Calgary, Canada) her face to face explains a lot about where the fireworks, latent in her work, come from: she is a cheerful, warm individual whose smile shines continuously.

Let me put it this way: Lauren is fun. Whatever you talk about, there’s always a brilliant, shining smile drawn on her face. Her chitchat is scattered with laughs, even her eyes smile at you. After knowing her work I hadn’t expected anything else. Each line on her drawings is full of life, the pen seems to have rolled over the paper naturally, without any effort, like a force of nature that can’t be stopped.

Doesn't really matter what Lauren draws, sparks always jump out of them

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